Affiliated to Vikarama Simhapuri University
Gudur, Tirupathi District, Andhra Pradesh
What is Eco Club?
Eco club is a platform on which we got the knowledge about environment. The meaning of an eco club in a group who works to contribute to improving environmental conditions. They offer programs and activities to encourage others to reduce pollution, plant trees, and more.
Eco club or green club is a voluntary group which promotes the participation of students in learning about, and improving their environment. A green club is a means by which students and youth can organize themselves to learn more and this issue, and also take action to improve their immediate environment.
For teachers, it is a wonderful opportunity to create awareness, build attitudes and help students take up activities in real world, in a way in which the constraints of the classroom and curriculum will not allow.
A green club can thus help to extend boundaries and scope of the formal educational system encouraging creativity, and improving students for constructive action.
Green club activities can help the teacher to meet the objectives of environmental education, which are to create awareness and sensitivity among individuals and social groups to the total environment and its allied problems. Impart knowledge to help individuals and social groups gain a variety of experiences in and acquire a basic understanding of, the environment and its associated problems.
Build attitudes to help individuals and social groups acquire a set of values and feelings of concern for environment, and the motivation for actively participating in environmental improvement and protection.
Teach skills to help individuals and social groups for identify and solve environmental problems.
Eco Clubs play an important role in creating environmental awareness amongst the future generation.
The activities under the scheme include: